Free webinar : Reclaim your confidence in 2020

For professional women with young families

Friday 17 January : 1230 – 1315

  • Are you worn out trying to juggle a demanding career and a young family yet feel you’re falling short in both?
  • Are you sacrificing time with your family and your own wellbeing so you can keep on top of everything at work?
  • Do you wish that you were more confident? That you could say “no” without worrying about what people think of you?
  • Do you aspire to being in balance?

Women represent half the working population in Europe, yet account for only 17% of senior executives and 7% of CEOs.

Confidence isn’t the whole story, but research not only tells us it trumps IQ as a predictor for success but that women have less of it than men. What’s more, how confident a woman feels in her ability to do something will affect the outcome, irrespective of her ability.

For professional women who have children, their confidence is eroded even further. Research tells us that less than 20% feel confident about returning to work after having a child and more than one third of women feel so unsupported and isolated on their return to work that they consider handing in their notice.

Does this resonate with your experience?

Alison Reid has worked for many years with senior women juggling a demanding career with a young family – particularly in male-dominated environments such as professional services, finance and tech. Time and again, she has found that having children significantly impacts the confidence of talented women and their capacity to enjoy their life and progress their career. 

They’re stressed out and worn out trying to be everything to everyone, they feel guilty because they’re not spending enough time with their children yet they’re anxious that the additional pressures of parenting don’t impact their performance at work.

Reclaim your confidence in 2020.

Feel calm, confident and in control so that you can be your best self at home and work.

If you’re a professional woman either just back from maternity leave or with a young family and you’re struggling to keep your head above water, then this free webinar with Alison Reid, “Reclaim your Confidence in 2020” is for you.

It will help you to :

  • Step back and get perspective on what matters to you
  • Understand what’s holding you back from being your best self at home and work
  • Manage stress and cultivate calm
  • Protect your priorities at home and work

Reclaim your confidence in 2020.

Your life back. Your career on track. Success without the stress.

Your Webinar Host

Alison Reid

A keynote speaker, coach and author of the white paper “Cultivating Confidence Leadership : A 3-step process to helping leaders overcome fear and realise their potential”, Alison specialises in helping professional women overcome self-doubt, cultivate confidence and communicate with courage so they can increase their influence, make an impact and progress their career.

An Oxford graduate with over 20 years’ international business experience cross-sector, she has particular experience working with clients in finance and technology, organisations including PwC, ICAEW, CIMA and Cisco.

Alison has delivered talks at the NEC, Birmingham, and CIPD Headquarters with further speaking engagements planned at CIMA and ICAEW in 2019/20.

Testimonials from Alison’s webinar series “Confidence for Professional Women”

“Alison is a great speaker and a big champion for women being their most confident self in all areas in their lives. This is clear to see from her passion & delivery. Her webinar sessions were clear, very insightful and I could really resonate with some of the key themes of these sessions such as impostor syndrome and finding your what & why. Her sessions really made me think about what goals I want to achieve and how I intend to achieve these.”

Manager, Global Accounting Firm

Alison’s webinar series was really enlightening.  It helped me identify what makes me tick and gave me the courage to start moving ahead with my career goals.”

Senior manager, Accounting Firm

“While I don’t perceive myself as lacking in confidence, Alison provided a well-rounded series covering facts, some science and many personal experiences. It was these personal experiences which made a difference to other webinars – I came to look forward to them each week and will miss them as they gave me a boost on how I could change my approach and perspective to different topics and situations whilst also helping me support my team.

“A HUGE “thank you” – you and the webinars are awesome!”

Senior Director, Finance, Hospitality

The webinars have made me more aware of what is important to me. I now feel more empowered to set boundaries and push back where I need to. I’ve gained self-awareness around the barriers to confidence and this has helped me to challenge and refocus negative thoughts into something more positive.”

Senior tax manager, Global Accounting Firm

“Excellent, inspiring, gave me a renewed sense of confidence.”

Manager, Financial Services

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