I’m Alison Reid.

I help leaders embody calm and confidence.

I’m Alison Reid, an executive coach, speaker and author of “Unleash Your Leadership : How to worry less and achieve more”. I help Directors and functional heads embody calm and confidence so they can lead themselves and others to great results.


As you step into leadership roles, it can feel like everyone wants a piece of you. You want to make a difference, but you’re stressed out trying to keep on top of everything. Perhaps in your darkest moments you’re worried you haven’t got what it takes to be a leader?

I help high-achievers like you unlock your confidence, influence and impact
so that you can unleash your leadership potential.

You’ll be able to focus on what matters, stay calm under pressure and communicate with impact, so you can lead yourself and others to great results.

Worry less, achieve more. Lead more, manage less.

Work with me

Unleash Your Leadership
Executive Coaching

Executive coaching to help new Directors and functional heads become
confident and successful leaders.

Recharge Your Leadership
Laser Coaching

A coaching pit-stop to provide targeted support for leaders under pressure.

Career Forward
Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching to help professionals realise their career aspirations and love their work, whatever’s getting in the way.

Who do you think you are? Hogan Psychometric

Take a deep dive into what makes you tick as a leader and how others perceive you with the Hogan Leadership psychometric.

"Working with Alison has been the most impactful development that I have ever had. I’ve made the step from being a competent-but-a-bit-scared manager to a brave, progressive leader.”

Senior Manager, Media

"If I'd had access to this book before, I would have had fewer sleepless nights!”

Andy Noble, Managed Services Director, NTT UK&I Ltd

"Coaching with Alison gave me the confidence to take several important steps which resulted in me exceeding expectations and getting promoted to Director.”

VP, Global Technology

"Alison is a fantastic and inspiring coach who knows how to get results. Within a few sessions, I had an immense level of satisfaction, clarity, self-awareness and focus.”

Director, Social business

Latest Insights

Meant to move

Meant to move

When I first started working with Jess*, we discovered that she could get to 3pm without leaving her desk – and without realising it. Sound familiar?

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