Resources for resilience

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Leadership

How are you bearing up in these incredibly challenging times? I’m feeling a bit like we’re in a real-life disaster movie, a bad dream that turns out to be reality when you wake up.

When I googled movies about killer viruses, it turns out that many are “trending” at the moment as people seek sense or hope from fictional experiences. The 2011 film “Contagion” is apparently uncannily close to our current global experience.

However, even though we’re all dealing with the same threat in terms of the Coronavirus pandemic, I’m conscious that what we’re finding challenging varies depending on our particular situations. 

Perhaps you are vulnerable to the virus or have friends and family who are? Perhaps you’re fearful for your job given the economic impact, or, if you’re self-employed, concerned about how you’re going to cope financially? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by juggling homeschooling with work? And let’s be honest, perhaps being cooped up with family members that you normally don’t see during the day is likely to take its toll – if it hasn’t already!

The good news is that, whilst our organisation and relationships can support us, research says that 90% of our capacity to be resilient comes from ourselves.

You have it within you to get through this.

As a starter for ten, I’d like to signpost a few resources from my own archive and those of others that may help you:

  • Feeling stressed? When we’re anxious and fearful, our breath tends to get quite high which has all sorts of negative effects on us. Check out this post for some guidance on how to breathe deeply.
  • Struggling with negative and fearful thoughts? Try these blogs from my archive to help you protect your mental health and stay present : Feed the positive, starve the negative and Attention now.
  • Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders as you try to look after your team, your family and your friends? Check out this blog : Are you being too responsible?

  • If you are a women struggling with negative and fearful thoughts and/or want support to set boundaries with colleagues and family as you work from home : I ran a free 4-part webinar series last year, Confidence for Professional Women, and the second and third webinars may be particularly useful for you right now. They’re about building a confident mindset and setting and holding boundaries. The recordings are on my website and you can sign up here. (If you’re already subscribed to my mailing list, I promise you won’t get my emails twice!)
  • Access to global resilience expertise : I have often referenced Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and author of the excellent book, Resilient. On this webpage, you can access various resources from him including meditations, a podcast and access to The Resilience Summit taking place this week and featuring a number of well-known experts.

This quote from Maya Angelou feels very apt to end on :

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

Take good care.

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Alison Reid is an experienced executive coach who helps new Directors lead with confidence. She works with them 1-1, empowering them to focus on what matters, communicate with impact and stay calm under pressure so they can lead themselves and others to great results. She's the author of Unleash Your Leadership : How to Worry Less and Achieve More. Download an extract or buy the book.

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