Release stress. Feel calmer. Lead better.
Val*, an Operations Director, felt out of control. She and her team had been through a challenging time and she was anxious about what was going to happen next.
Befriend the unknown
Val*, an Operations Director, felt out of control. She and her team had been through a challenging time and she was anxious about what was going to happen next.
Are you present or preoccupied?
I read an article over the weekend by a journalist who had taken her husband and teenagers on a digital detox break.
Drop the baggage
Are you an overpacker or an underpacker? My other half and I often go on UK-based self-catering holidays, our baggage limited only by what we can fit in our car.
When you can’t seem to stop
If you read my blog, Being busy is overrated, a couple of weeks ago, you may have thought, “Well that’s all well and good, but I can I stop being busy?”
Being busy is overrated
In her book “The Art of Rest”, author Claudia Hammond shares a super piece of research from Columbia Business School.
Meant to move
When I first started working with Jess*, we discovered that she could get to 3pm without leaving her desk – and without realising it. Sound familiar?
Fact or fiction?
Many of my clients appear to have an uncanny knack for mind reading. They can work out what other people are thinking and feeling purely from their facial expressions.
Feel the positive
Picture the scene : our hunter-gather ancestors sauntering across the savannah, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces, stopping to admire the view as they keep an eye out for something to catch for dinner.
Don’t trust your feelings
I’m not a fan of cold callers at the front door. Aside from not liking being put on the spot, I can’t be sure that the caller is who they say they are. We’ve all heard the stories about doorstep scammers.